Mercedes SL W113 Verdeck

Mercedes SL W113 Cabrioverdeck
Mercedes SL W113 Cabrioverdeck
Mercedes W113 convertible topin high quality    Convertible tops for the convertible from the W113 SL model years 1963 to 1971.    Our convertible tops for your SL are made of 3-layer acrylic top fabric, as was originally the case with the Mercedes SL W113.    The Mercedes SL W113 convertible top is designed like the original in every detail.    For the , we produce your Mercedes W 113 convertible tops inland, in high quality.    The convertible top for your Mercedes W113 SL is ready for assembly, nothing has to be sewn.    The assembly points are given.    We will send you color samples for your W113 SL convertible top on request.    All standard colors can be found above in the color selection. Please inquire about special SL colors.Our assembly hotline will help you to assemble your Mercedes convertible top free of charge on the phone.... or ask about the assembly options. statement    This vehicle is also called a pagode.    The form looks like a Chinese building, the hardtop for this SL has an inwardly curved roof.    All models were equipped with a 6 cylinder engine and were available in the types 250 SL, 230 SL and 280 SL.    The tops are the same for all types.We have been producing convertible tops of almost all makes for convertible customers, car dealerships, vehicle importers and vehicle manufacturers since 1983. As a manufacturer in Germany with 15 employees, the best quality in materials and workmanship is our daily performance.Our pretension is the best quality at the lowest possible price.Therefore:    the best goods do not have to be expensive; our customers confirm that.  

From €660.00*
Montage Mercedes SL W113 Cabrioverdeck
Montage Mercedes SL W113 Cabrioverdeck
Wenn Sie es wünschen, werden unsere kompetenten Verdeck-Spezialisten Ihr SL Verdeck zum günstigsten Preis auf Ihr Fahrzeug aufziehen.Gerne nennen wir Ihnen den Preis, den Ort und weitere Möglichkeiten,Fragen Sie nach...eine beliebte Alternative ist die Selbstmontage mit Hilfe durch unserekostenfreie Montage-Hotline.


Mercedes W113 Pagode Verdeck hochwertig Produziert

  • Die Mercedes W113 Pagode Verdecke sind wie das Original gestaltet.

  • Der Verdeckstoff ist wie bei Ihrem Verdeck SL W 113 gewählt worden.

  • Die gute Passform unserer Verdecke SL W 113 ist auch durch den Computerzuschnitt garantiert.

  • Die Überwachung der Produktion unserer Cabrioverdecke für W113 sichert die gute Qualität.

  • Lieferbar in vielen Farben und mehreren Qualitäten.